Focus on Theranostics
The Phase 3 CLARIFY Trial With 64Cu-SAR-bisPSMA: A Next-Generation PSMA Imaging Agent
CLARIFY Trial: Multiday 64Cu-SAR-bisPSMA PET Scans Refine Prostate Cancer Assessment – Luke Nordquist
COBRA and PROPELLER: Background and Results of Prior PSMA Imaging Trials
The CLARIFY Trial Design and Objectives for PSMA Imaging
PSMA PET Imaging: The Landscape and Current Challenges
CLARIFY Trial: Improved Prostate Cancer Outcomes with PSMA PET and Personalized Treatment
CLARIFY Trial: Advancing PSMA PET Imaging for High-Risk Prostate Cancer Surgery
Interview with Dr Louise Emmett for UroToday
Copper-67 vs lutetium-177 manufacture
Interview with Dr Alan Taylor and Dr Oliver Sartor for UroToday
Interview with Dr Alan Taylor and Michael Frazis for Frazis Capital Partners
Dr Geoffrey Johnson on the SECuRE trial with 64/67Cu-SAR-bisPSMA for GU Oncology Now
Treatment of mCRPC patient with 2 cycles of 67Cu-SAR-bisPSMA (8GBq) leads to undetectable PSA level
Copper-67 production
SAR-bisPSMA – a next-generation radiopharmaceutical for prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment
ShareCafe’s “Hidden Gems” Webinar